For anyone who’s followed the blog for a while, you’ve probably noticed that we’ve made a few tweaks over the years. Frequency of posts, topics covered, and types of content (blog posts vs. webinars vs. podcasts) have all evolved quite a bit.
This past year we’ve gotten into the habit of offering monthly webinars, launched a podcast, and have continued to grow the financial planning firm at a pretty rapid pace.
All this has required a sizable investment of time and dollars. I’ve been very happy about all the positive feedback we’ve gotten, and continue to be humbled by your interest and readership.
To make sure we stay focused on producing the right “stuff”, I’d like to ask you for your feedback on what we’re putting out. If there’s anything you think we can be doing better, I’d love to know about it.
Thanks in advance for your time and feedback!
**Editor’s note: I’m trying a new widget for this survey. It should work on any desktop/tablet/mobile phone, but if you have any issues please let us know.